The Research Databank on Romanian Minorities

Târgu Secuiesc 2004. Public life and general conditions

Unique identification number of the database: survey-023

Full title of the database: Târgu Secuiesc 2004. Public life and general conditions.

Person responsible for archiving the datasheet: Kiss Tamás.

Datasheet publisher organization: Max Weber Sociological Centre

Datasheet archiving date: 2004-01-11.

Datasheet’s bibliographical reference: Transylvanian Social Researches Databank: survey- (...),Târgu Secuiesc 2004. Public life and general conditions.

Research description

Research coordinator:

Kiss Tamás,

Csata Zsombor,

Kiss Dénes.

Max Weber Sociological Centre

Research financer:

Felsőháromszék DAHR,

DAHR Executive Presidency.

Database manager:

Max Weber Sociological Centre.

Database depositor:

DAHR Executive Presidency.

Database description:


Party options, election


migration, migration potential

Data collection: September 2004

Geographical range of database: Târgu Secuiesc region (Kézdiszék)

The unit of the analysis: person.

Target population: Hungarian voters (18 years old or above) of Târgu Secuiesc

Type of database: survey.

The temporal dimension of the database: cross-sectional.

Sample taking procedure: multi-scale, layered sampling. In Târgu Secuiesc there were combined election districts: the questionnaires were applied in these districts proportionally. In the case of villages we made the selections according to the size and administrative status of the settlements.

Data collection procedure: questionnaire

Database weighting: it is achieved with weighted variables so they represent the real proportions.

Citing obligation: the data user will have to refer to the database creators Max Weber Sociological Centre and the  researchers involved in the research.

The description of the database

Case number: 1241.

Variables: 314. we deleted the opinion-data about the different politicians from the database

The format of the database: SPSS data file

Other materials connected to database:


Research paper